Our mission

Worldwide, the incidence of cancer is growing, as life expectancy increases. Current imaging tools have their limitations as they are not suitable to provide the necessary information during diagnosis. Scinvivo aims to revolutionize cancer diagnostics and care by providing medical professionals with the next gen minimal invasive imaging platform. This imaging platform fills the gap that is left open by the current imaging technologies, as current technologies are unable to show the anatomical structure of the tissue during endoscopic procedures.

The platform enables real time imaging of the tissue structure below the surface. The incredible resolution, of only a few micrometers, allows the detection of very early tumors which are smaller than 1/10th of a mm.

The Scinvivo imaging platform makes one stop diagnosis and treatment possible. Combined with AI, a powerful diagnosis tool is created, which can distinguish between different benign and malign tissue types. Finally, photonics based localization enables robotic surgery.

The imaging platform will significantly increase the quality of the diagnosis, reduce the burden on patients and reduce the costs for the healthcare system.

Scinvivo solves unmet needs for Payers, Patients and Doctors

Best possible care for patients, while costs are reduced

Improved quality of life by reducing invasive surgeries

Improved cancer diagnosis and treatment

Our solution

Scinvivo first focusses on the medical needs in bladder cancer. Scinvivo’s forward-looking OCT-catheter provides the answer by giving urologists real time ultra high resolution (a few micrometers) insight in the anatomical structure during diagnosis (cystoscopy).

During cystoscopy, only the surface of the bladder wall is visible. Getting insight into the anatomical structure is crucial for a fast and better diagnosis.

Using Scinvivo's OCT catheter addresses directly the unmet needs in bladder cancer diagnosis & care:

1. differentiating between non-invasive (TIS - T1) and muscle-invasive bladder cancer(T2 - T4) as early as possible in the diagnostic process (a faster diagnosis increases the survival chances up to 30%),

2. the follow-up monitoring of BC patients to reduce the number of unnecessary surgeries caused by false positives (up to 50% of the surgeries).

Image Image

Classical cystoscopy image on which a tumor is visible

During cystoscopy, only the surface of the bladder wall is visible. Getting insight into the anatomical structure is crucial for a fast and better diagnosis.

Image Image

Different stages (TIS-T4) of bladder cancer

Disclaimer: Clinical investigations are pending to cover these claims. Scinvivo products do not have CE or FDA clearance yet.

Our Product

Our product offering consists of a single use catheter and a base station. All individual catheter parts are tested and now combined into a catheter with an outer diameter of 2.5 mm (7.5 Fr).

The forward looking OCT catheter allows the medical professiona; to capture a cross section of the tissue with a field of view of 5 mm and a depth of 2-3 mm. The working distance from the tip of the catheter to the tissue is ~10 mm. Artifacts in the image due to body movements are reduced to an absolute minimum by means of a refresh rate >>25Hz. Furthermore, the catheter is single use preventing cross patient infections.


S-Vision is the software developed by Scinvivo for providing high quality OCT images to the medical professional. By using filter techniques, interlacing, and other image enhancement techniques high quality images are displayed.


The forward looking OCT catheter allows the medical professiona; to capture a cross section of the tissue with a field of view of 5 mm and a depth of 2-3 mm. The working distance from the tip of the catheter to the tissue is ~10 mm. Artifacts in the image due to body movements are reduced to an absolute minimum by means of a refresh rate >>60Hz. Furthermore, the catheter is single use preventing cross patient infections.

S-Vision is the central software on the base station for capturing and visualizing high quality OCT images for the medical professional. Snapshot images can be saved with the high level location information. Also the real time image capturing can be stored in a movie file for desk analysis in order to estimate the tumor size or applying enhanced filter techniques.

The forward looking OCT catheter allows the medical professiona; to capture a cross section of the tissue with a field of view of 5 mm and a depth of 2-3 mm. The working distance from the tip of the catheter to the tissue is ~10 mm. Artifacts in the image due to body movements are reduced to an absolute minimum by means of a refresh rate >>25Hz. Furthermore, the catheter is single use preventing cross patient infections.

In the image below the first results of our second generation OCT probes is visible. An OCT image (left) made with one of our probes of porcine bladder tissue (right). The different layers of the bladder wall are clearly visible, as well as small blood vessels running through it.


Our team

Maaike de Jong

Maaike de Jong


Maaike de Jong works as CMO (chief Medical officer) for Scinvivo since it was founded. As CMO, she is continuously developing the imaging platform and arranging the (pre)-clinical trials. Next to that, she secures funding for Scinvivo in the form of grants, loans, and new investments. Over the years Maaike gained experience in raising new capital and added a valuable contribution in the deal closing process. She gained significant project management experience by leading a Eurostars project, and an EFRO project. She holds a MSc in Biomedical Engineering and worked in Boston at Massachusetts General Hospital to specialize in Optical Coherence Tomography and its endoscopic applications. Maaike has an extensive international network regarding OCT technologies and urology. For the regulatory affairs, both CE & FDA, Maaike gained important experience and knowledge for Scinvivo and she is the main contact for the urologists in our network.

She has a strong belief that the imaging platform Scinvivo develops will be a game changer in cancer diagnostics.

Marijn van Os

Marijn van Os


Marijn van Os is CEO at Scinvivo, since October 2019 and co-founded of Scinvivo in 2016. As an entrepreneur he also founded Innoluce in 2010 as a spin-off of Royal Philips, including acquiring the main MEMS mirror IPR. Marijn successfully managed the acquisition of Innoluce by Infineon in 2016 for the automotive applications. Prior to this acquisition the medical assets, IPR and knowhow was transferred to Scinvivo. Marijn holds a PhD in mechanical engineering and continued his working career at Philips where he held different positions as technologist and development manager within The Netherlands and in the Czech Republic. Marijn has an extensive international network in the MEMS space and in the medical space for Urology.

Marijn is always looking for opportunities to improve and challenge the status quo and as such he is convinced that with the solution of Scinvivo the unmet needs in the cancer diagnostics & care will be improved significantly for all stakeholders, but in particular for the patients.

Camile van der Heijden

Camile van der Heijden


Camile van der Heijden joined Scinvivo in June 2018 and fulfils the role of CTO. Camile studied Biomedical Engineering (Bachelor) and Medical Engineering (Master). Camile holds a PDEng title Qualified Medical Engineer from the Stan Ackermans Institute. Prior to working for Scinvivo, Camile was employed at the Maxima Medical Center. There he worked on designing an improved educational simulation environment for use during training of the Neonatal Invasive Care Staff. Camile has a great network in the medical field in the Netherlands and is able to oversee the impact of product design on the medical regulatory application. While working for Scinvivo, Camile has learnt to manage suppliers through relationships built on mutual trust. In his role at Scinvivo he is responsible for product & process design, and works closely with our assembly partners to translate prototypes into repeatable products.

He believes technology has the potential to change lives for the better and it inspires and motivates him to help make that potential a reality.

Pleuni Kirch

Pleuni Kirch

Medical Appication Engineer

Pleuni Kirch joined Scinvivo as a Medical Application Engineer. She holds a MSc degree in Health Science and Technology. She graduated Cum Laude with her work performed at the ETH Zurich in the Laboratory for Movement Biomechanics. During her education She has gained experience in different fields of medical care, varying from new cancer treatments to computer based muscle body modeling. She has been working with big data sets and supported the different METC applications. She has a network with different hospitals in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Pleuni has a natural drive to connect science with applications in the business in order to bring new developments to the clinic. She believes that OCT technology aids for better diagnostics, which can lead to customized treatment plans.

Liesbeth Geerts

Liesbeth Geerts


Liesbeth Geerts joined Scinvivo October 2024 as CCO. Liesbeth holds a PhD in biomedical engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology and worked at Philips for over 22 years. At Philips, Liesbeth held various positions in the MRI business, from application specialist to clinical scientist and department manager. Through this wide experience, she gained a thorough understanding of the role of medical imaging in diagnosis and treatment and the way of working in hospitals. She has experienced how to inspire and steer innovation, and how to bring innovations to the end-user.

Liesbeth has collaborated with clinical partners across the globe, which has given her insight in region-specific clinical needs and preferences, and a strong clinical network.

It is Liesbeth’s ambition to have a positive impact in people’s lives by bringing innovations for better, faster and more patient friendly care to market. If done well, these innovations also benefit society by lowering overall healthcare cost. Liesbeth believes that Scinvivo’s imaging platform addresses both these needs, and is therefore excited to help bring this product to market.

Maria Frias Goyenechea

Maria Frias Goyenechea

Medical System Engineer

Maria Frías joined Scinvivo in November 2022 as Medical System Engineer. Her role is to support the system’s integration, validation and verification tests, documentation development for medical certification and support with supplier management. She holds a Master in Biomedical Engineering, and has 8 years of experience as application engineer and system engineer in the automotive and medical technologies fields. She has worked in different R&D companies where she gained experi-ence in European projects, system development, test development and integration, and managing suppliers and stakeholders.

She believes that Scinvivo’s technology provides medical professionals a tool to progress in cancer research, save more patients, and improve quality of lives.

Dirk Faber

Dirk Faber

Principal OCT Architect

Dirk Faber joined Scinvivo as a Principal OCT Architect in 2024. In this role, he will design and develop advanced Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) systems, incorporating both hardware and data processing components. He will spearhead research and innovation efforts to enhance OCT imaging capabilities, ensuring the integration of Scinvivo’s unique catheter-based OCT technology into the urological clinic.

An engineer by training, Dirk holds a PhD in biophotonics. Bringing over 20 years of experience in the biophotonics field, Dirk is an internationally recognized expert in OCT. He lastly worked at the Amsterdam UMC as assistant professor, focusing on the physical aspects of biophotonics and imparting knowledge through master courses in Biomedical Optics and Tissue Interaction.

Dirk believes that biophotonics, particularly OCT, can strengthen the existing critical role that medical imaging plays in cancer management in a number of vital areas, spanning from early detection to treatment follow-up.

Lizette de Groot

Lizette de Groot

QA/RA Manager and PRRC

"Lizette de Groot supports the Scinvivo team in the role of QA/RA Manager and she is our PRRC (person responsible for regulatory compliance).

Her background: she is a Medical Device Expert with 12.5+ years’ experience in the medical devices industry. She has a proven ability to manage complex regulatory issues. She has knowledge and understanding of quality systems, processes, audits and inspections. She advises Scinvivo on developing the right strategy towards CE certification, and supports us with setting up the documentation for the quality management system, and with maintaining the QMS afterwards.

Diederik van Lierop

Diederik van Lierop

Software Developer/ Hardware Developer

Diederik van Lierop worked with Philips and Infineon in the field of MEMS and mechatronics for 15 years, and co-founded Innoluce as well as Scinvivo. Besides system responsibility in various projects, he was also involved in the design of the MEMS mirrors and complete systems around them, definition of the manufacturing process flow, outsourcing the production, and validating the MEMS devices and their host systems.
Diederik was also responsible for the IP portfolio at Innoluce, member of the patent committee at Infineon. He also holds 30 patents of which the vast majority relates to MEMS devices and specifically MEMS mirrors, and to optical systems.

At Scinvivo, Diederik spends his days managing the development of the hardware and software, and building out the IP position.

Timon Grob

Timon Grob

Project Manager

Timon Grob joined Scinvivo as project manager in April 2024. Timon holds a background in Materials Science and has dedicated 24 years to Philips, supporting a diverse array of product divisions including televisions, shavers, lighting applications, and semiconductors. His extensive experience across these varied fields has provided a solid foundation for his focus on medical devices since 2009. In this domain, he has significantly contributed to Philips' ventures in the Medical Wearables field, leveraging his expertise to drive innovation and development.

Throughout his career, Timon has held various positions such as Technical Lead, Senior Researcher, Product Owner, Project Manager, Test Manager, and Research Program Manager. These roles have equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of both technical and managerial aspects, allowing him to lead projects naturally and maximize team potential while prioritizing customer needs.

Driven by a passion for personalized healthcare, Timon is committed to advancing OCT technology. This innovation is pivotal in providing crucial insights for the customization of treatment plans, paving the way for truly personalized medical care.

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